Saturday, July 5, 2014

The ABCs of second grade

Mrs. Simmons’ ABCs of Second Grade


A-  Attendance and Absences:  School hours are from 9:15 to 3:45. When your child is absent from school, parents are required to send in a note the next day giving the reason for the absence.  If a note is not received, the absence is marked unexcused.
B-  Birthday- Parents may send in a treat for the entire class to recognize a child’s birthday.  It is stated in our staff handbook that the snack is to be a healthy one and will be distributed in the cafeteria.  No party favors, goodie bags, etc. are to be given out.  Prior teacher notification is appreciated.
C-  Correspondence- If you need to talk to me during the school day, please call the office at 363-1391 and leave a message. You may find it more convenient to email me at or send a note in your child’s daily folder.  With prior notice, I will be happy to meet with you before or after school.
D-   Discipline- Please refer to my Lucky Links behavior sheet for my discipline policy.
E-  Encourage- Let’s encourage your child’s special talents to make them feel good about themselves.
F-  Folders- Every Friday your child will bring home a folder containing some of his/her school papers from the week, papers from the PTA, our newsletter, Lucky Links behavior sheet, and other school information.  After you have removed the papers, sign the newsletter and Lucky Links sheet and have your child return their folder to school the following Monday. One side of the folder will be papers to keep at home. The other side of the folder will contain papers that need to be signed and returned to school. There will also be a daily folder that will be sent home with your child Monday-Thursday. Please check it each night for correspondence, homework, reading log, and behavior sheets.
G-  Going Home-If your child is going home a different way than usual, I need to be informed in writing or by a call to the office if there is a last minute change.
H-  Homework- Homework should be a reflection of your child’s neatest and best work.  After a few weeks, your child should be able to complete most homework independently. Homework will be sent home in your child’s folder and should be returned the next day.
I-   Independence- It is important that you allow your child to walk to the classroom alone.  This encourages independence and gives your child a feeling of confidence.
J-  Job- Encourage your child to realize that it is his/her job to remember to bring a healthy snack and all required materials to school each day.
K-  Keep in touch- Keep me informed of any address, email, or phone number changes throughout the year.
L-   Lunch- You are welcome to eat lunch with your child any day.  Please meet your child outside the cafeteria doors.  Our lunchtime will change through out the year. Please refer to my daily schedule for the new lunch times. Canned drinks are not allowed in the lunchroom.
M- Medication-Your child will not be permitted to take any kind of medication at school without a doctor’s note.  The medication must be in the prescribed bottle and dropped off at the office.
N-  No- No valuables or toys are to be brought to school unless requested for a special occasion.
O-  Office Notification- If your child arrives at school after 9:15 AM he/she must check in at the office.  If you need to pick up your child before dismissal time (3:45), you must stop by the office to sign your child out.  The secretary will call the classroom and give me permission to release your child. There are no checkouts after 3:15.
P-   Personal Items- Label all personal items brought to school with your child’s name. Please do not put labels on your child’s school supplies. I will do this in the classroom.
Q-  Quality time- Spending time with your child reviewing school work or listening to them read will increase their success in school.
R-  Recess- Please be sure that your child wears comfortable shoes, clothing, and sunscreen for outside recess.
S-  Snack- Please send in a healthy snack for your child each day.  Fruit, cheese and crackers, vegetables, sandwiches, or small bags of low sugar cereal are a few good choices.  No drinks in the classroom. Water bottles are allowed.
T-  Tardy- Your child will be marked tardy and must go to the office for a late slip if he/she enters the classroom after 9:15.
U-  Use dress code- Please refer to the Wake County dress code as a guide when choosing clothes for your child to wear to school. Also make sure your child keeps a sweatshirt or light jacket in their cubby. Our classroom temperature changes a lot and I want the kids to stay comfortable.
V-  Volunteers- I do appreciate and will need parents to volunteer for help with various activities in the classroom and on field trips.  I will request your help through email, my Room Mom, or in my newsletters.
W- Work Together- Let’s work together so we can make decisions about what is best for your child.
X-  Exercise- Students will have outside recess on most days.  Please dress your child in comfortable clothes and shoes.
Y-  You- You can help your child to have a successful school day by sending him/her to school well rested, on time, with their daily folder, a snack, and lunchbox or lunch money.  If a book is sent home, it needs to be returned the next day.  Establish a routine at night where your child packs his/her backpack.
Z-  Zero- I have zero tolerance for bullying in my classroom.  I will do all I can to see that your child feels safe, free to make mistakes without fear of being ridiculed, and respected in a loving and warm environment.

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